Past Events
March, Membership Drive
We had our Membership Drive and the fee for the year was $20.00 per person.
April 24th, Blessing of the Fleet
Bring an appetizer/dish to pass. BYOB, limited leftover beer and soda will be available.
We are wanting everyone to show up between 3 & 3:20, If you have room on your boat; there are members who would like to ride with someone.
P.S. Our Commodore suggested if the weather is bad we will postpone to Sunday the 25th.
May, Scavenger Hunt and Results
Start the hunt at 3:30pm and return back to the Marina by 5pm for dinner at the Marina. The Yacht club will furnish Barbeque sandwiches from Hickory Hill Farm.
Everyone BYOB and a dish to pass.
Certificates from the Marina for prizes
1st - 30$, 2nd - 20$ & 3rd - 10$
PLEASE send your RSVP to our Commodore Nancy at
June, Poker Run
Meet down at the Fairfield Bay Marina June 19 at 3pm. Yacht Club Poker Run: 50% of the pot goes to the FB animal shelter and the other half to the winner.
Boaters, Please offer a ride to non boat owners. There will be 5 areas on the lake to pick up what is needed for your poker hand. The cost is $10 per player for anyone that wants to play. You will be able to buy 2 more cards for $5 but play only 5 best cards. Best hand wins.
Meet back at the Marina by 5pm to play your hand and eat.
BYOB and bring a dish/appetizer to pass.
We will be doing the 50/50 draw.
"RAIN DATE" June 20th
Enough entered the Club Poker Run benefitting the Fairfield Bay Animal Shelter to give the winner $205 and he donated $12 making the total for the shelter $217. Anonymous business owner pledged to match our donation. Thanks to the members and nonmembers that made this event a success. The Fairfield Bay Animal Shelter will receive $434 on July 12, 2021.
July, Tie up:
BYOB & Dish to pass (Suggested Mexican) Officers decided that we would meet up at the Marina to see which way the wind is blowing before we take off to our TIE UP area.
August, Veteran's Barge Event:
Members, friends, and past members:
We have room on the barge for at least 10 more. If you are not a member, we are charging $10 to attend this event. RSVP to me at if you would like to join us.
FBYC is furnishing hot dogs/buns/condiments/plates/utensils, etc. Participates bring a dish/appetizer to pass.
We will have water and soft drinks available. BYOB. We plan on going to snake cove and float/eat for about two hours. We can use the life preservers on the barge to float or bring your own noodles. Wear your suits; there is a ladder attached to the barge.
September, Annual Lake Clean-up
On the 11th, check in at the Marina 7:30-8a.m.. Bring a breakfast snack to share.
FBYC participated in the 52nd Annual Lake & River Cleanup. Thank you members for helping!!
October, Martinis at the Marina
On the 20th, 6-8 on the dock. Free martinis to members. Bring an appetizer if you can.
Nominating committee will meet.
November, Fall Raft-up
On the 20th, from the Marina 3-5. Club will provide hotdogs after 5 at the marina dock, rain or shine.
December, Commodores Officers Christmas house party
Thank you Commodore Nancy Mueller for the great year you made this year work.
December, Getting the Fireside Room ready at the Little Red for Christmas party
Thank you members that had their hands in with making it look awesome.
December, Christmas Party
On the 10th at the Little Red Restaurant. You must prepay and choose your meal before December 3rd. $16 includes tip and taxes for your choice of Lasagna or Chicken Marsala or Seafood Pasta. Buy your adult beverages during happy hour at 5:30 and enjoy you meal about 6:30. Cake will be the dessert and we will honor a founder of the Yacht Club, Max Nigh. Installation of the elected 2022 Officers will be introduced by passing the flags and the Commodore hat.