Meeting Minutes
Fairfield Bay Yacht Club
February 1, 2022
Location: Land port, The Dock of the Bay
Commodore: Randy Baker
Past Commodore: Nancy Mueller
Vice Commodore: Kenton Brown
Fleet Captain: Jane Dean
Secretary/Treasurer: Ceresa Brown
Media Captain: Gregory Alexander
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM
Quorum was met.
New Business:
Treasurer's report was given and approved as read by Ceresa Brown. Ceresa commented on what an incredibly meticulous job Past Treasurer/Secretary Richard Mills had done and in the transfer of the Treasurer/secretary books and records.
Motion was made by Ceresa to keep the dues at $20.00 and 2nd by Nancy. Motion carried 4/2.
Motion was made by Nancy to purchase 2 folding tables for events held at the marina. Ceresa 2nd the motion. Motion carried 6/0. Nancy will purchase and furnish a receipt for reimbursement.
Nancy made a motion to keep the name tags and discontinue the Membership cards. Kent 2nd the motion and motion carried 6/0.
Fleet Commander Jane Dean presented the Monthly Events. Approved after considerable discussion and the dates of the first 3 Events were set and will be published by the Media Officer. Annual Budget for Monthly Events was discussed. 10 Events were decided on and a Budget of $1680.00 was approved.
Gregory made the motion to set the date for the Membership drive for March 19, 2022 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Fairfield Bay Marina. Kent 2nd the motion, motion carried 6/0. Fairfield Bay Yacht Club will fund and Fleet Commander will procure: Box wine, beer and or a pony keg, meat, cheese and fruit trays for refreshments.
The other 9 Events will be: April: Blessing of the Fleet, May: Scavenger Hunt, June: Poker Run, July: 4th of July Parade, August: Barge Dinner Cruise, Sept.: Lake Clean-up, Oct.: Moor Martini Mooring Party, November: Moonlight Cruise, December: Christmas Dinner Party.
The board approved the design of a decal with Fairfield Bay Yacht Club Flag and a QR Code. Gregory will research printing cost and report at the next meeting. This will allow the people to take a picture of it and it will take them to the Web page for the club and upcoming activities.
Gregory made a motion to again join the Chamber of Commerce, it was seconded and Motion carried.
Jane Moved and Gregory 2nd to adjourn the meeting motion carried.
Meeting adjourned 7:30 PM
Minutes taking by Secretary Ceresa Brown
Fairfield Bay Yacht Club
March 1, 2022
Location: Land port, The Dock of the Bay
Commodore: Randy Baker
Vice Commodore: Kenton Brown - Absent
Immediate Past Commodore: Nancy Mueller
Fleet Captain: Jane Dean
Media Captain: Gregory Alexander
Secretary/Treasurer: Ceresa Brown - Absent
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM
Treasurer's Report: No report
Media Captain: Gregory Alexander showed us all the updates, on the website. QR Code is complete, and Gregory handed out printed off versions to take to businesses, etc. Gregory is doing a great job. Membership form updated with code and facebook.
Name Tags – Randy will check to make sure we have supplies for events.
Tables (2): Cost on Amazon $57.99 each, Walmart $55.00 Nancy will look at the ones at Walmart and decide where to buy.
Randy brought up having an event each month and another date for just a tie-up with some being during the week. We will give it a try. Dates may change.
Saturday, March 19, 2022 3-6pm $300 Cost
Membership Drive
Randy check paper supplies and run off membership forms.
Treasurer will need to have a bag with $50 for 50/50 drawing.
Article should be in the local paper this week.
Will make sure each week there is something in the paper until Membership Drive.
Nancy and Jane will coordinate and buy the drinks and cheese/meat tray.
Saturday, April 16, 1-4 pm $00
Blessing of Boats, Nancy will coordinate with Bob Hadley. Tie-up after, Dish to pass and BYOB. Bob Hadley has free membership.
Tuesday, April 26, 2022 4 pm Tie-Up
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 4 pm Tie-Up
Saturday, May 21, 2022, 1-5 $260
Scavenger Hunt, 5 pm dinner at Marina. Prizes $60, gift certificates from Marina, Everyone a dish to pass and BYOB. We will provide meat.
Saturday, June 4, 2022 4 pm Tie-Up
Saturday, June 18, 2022 $125
Poker Run: Will decide where money goes for donation, 1/2 to winner. Where to put five pickup points. Cards needed, Cost $10 for anyone.
Tie-up after or meet at dock for dinner BYOB
Monday, July 4, 2022 $50
Enter the float in the parade. Busy time so no event on lake
Thursday, July 16, 2022 4 pm Tie-Up
August 13, 2022 $300
Barge Event
September $00
Lake clean-up, Date?
Saturday, October 8, 2020 $300
Martini Party at dock. Bring an appetizer to pass. Nominating committee
November ? $100
Fall colors/moonlight cruise Set date close to full moon. Provide chicken from Cravens? Dish to Pass and BYOB
Friday, December 9, 2021 $100
Christmas Party, We need to find a place and set a date. Little Red, Bayside, Lion's Club, cater, and band? Installation of new board.
All events when finalized need to be posted on the FFB Calendar through Fairfield Bay Chamber of Commerce.
Minutes taking by Immediate Past Commodore Nancy Mueller
Fairfield Bay Yacht Club
March 15, 2022
Location: Land port, The Dock of the Bay
Commodore: Randy Baker
Vice Commodore: Kenton Brown
Immediate past Commodore: Nancy Mueller
Fleet Captain: Jane Dean
Media Captain: Gregory Alexander
Secretary/Treasurer: Ceresa Brown
Treasures report: Balance $571.47
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM
Treasures report: Balance $571.47
Vote to set for 2022 at $20.00/person
Old business;
Chamber of Commerce was paid $45.00 for membership fee.
Nancy Mueller had purchased 2 folding tables as discussed and presented receipt.
Gregory presented U-Line Labels with Club Flag and QR Code and receipt for same. Labels looked great, had slight problem with ink running if gotten wet. More work to follow.
New Business:
Plans for Membership Drive decided and budget set at $300.00
Nancy, Jane and Randy will purchase drinks, fruit tray and two sandwich trays.
Blessing of the Fleet Event date changed to coordinate with Marina Boati Gras Event. And is now set for April 30th.
Tie up Schedule (BYOB and dish to pass) Tentative dates set;
April 26, 2022 at 4 p.m.
May 10, 2022 at 4 p.m.
June 4, 2022 at 4 p.m.
July 12, 2022 at 4 p.m.
Event dates set:
April 30, 2022; Boati Gras and Blessing of the Fleet
May 21, 2022; Scavenger Hunt 1 to 5
June 18, 2022; Poker Run Fundraiser to fund Donation to a Charitable Organization
July 4 2022; Enter float in parade.
August 13, 2022; Barge Event
September 10, 2022; Lake Clean- Up Cruise
October8, 2022; Martini Party
November8, 2022; Fall Colors / Moon Light Cruise
December 9, 2022; Christmas Party, Little Red
Meeting Adjourned.
Minutes taking by Secretary Ceresa Brown
Fairfield Bay Yacht Club
April 12, 2022
Location: Land port, The Dock of the Bay
Commodore: Randy Baker
Past Commodore: Nancy Mueller
Vice Commodore: Kenton Brown
Fleet Captain: Jane Dean
Secretary/Treasurer: Ceresa Brown
Media Captain: Gregory Alexander
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM
The Treasurer report was given and approved as read.
New policy is any membership received after October 1st of the current year will be $10.00 with no carry over to the next membership year.
Membership stands at 82 members and anticipating approximately 10 more.
Six Fairfield Bay FFB Yacht Club Burgee flags were purchased 5 have already been sold at the time the order was placed. Randy made a motion to keep the flags of the current office you hold. Also added to the order was 1 Past Commodore flag and 1 Commodore flag. Gregory has handled ordering all flags involved in this motion.
The 1st tie-up is scheduled for 4/26/22. All interested will meet at the FFB Marina at 3:45 PM for the location and shove off at 4:00 PM. Members participating will want to bring your beverages table service for yourselves and finger food to share.
Jane is going to purchase wine glasses and small paper plates for the Club to be used as long as they last and then we will purchase more. She will bring receipts for reimbursement at the next monthly board meeting.
Next up is the Boati Gras and the Blessing of the Fleet. It is April 30th,2022 at the Fairfield Bay Marina. Bring your own table service, something to share and your own beverages. We will introduce the 2022 members and there will not be a 50/50 drawing.
Next Board meeting will be May 3rd 6:00 PM at the Dock for planning of the Scavenger Hunt to be held May 21, 2022.
Meeting adjourned 7:30.
Minutes taking by Secretary Ceresa Brown
Fairfield Bay Yacht Club
May 3, 2022
Location: Land port, The Dock of the Bay
Commodore: Randy Baker
Vice Commodore: Kenton Brown
Fleet Captain: Jane Dean
Secretary/Treasurer: Ceresa Brown
The meeting was called to order at 6:03 PM
The Treasurer report was given and approved as read.
The Boati Gras was a big success, not only did the Yacht club win 1st place we gained 4 New Members that joined at the Boati Gras.
Discussion followed how to best use the $300.00 in store credit at the Fairfield Bay Marina. Motion was made to spend 100.00 in merchandise and John is willing to break the remaining $200.00 down into smaller amounts for prizes 2, $50.00 and 4, $25.00. in an effort to multiply the dollars for the Club. Motion carried.
Media Captain Gregory Alexander joined the meeting at this time.
Next tie up is scheduled for 5/10/22 Meet at the Marina at 3:45 leave at 4:00 PM. Location to be determined.
The Annual Scavenger Hunt is set for 5/21/22. Meet at the FFB Marina between 1:00 and 2:00 PM get your team together and paperwork for things to find on the lake. Hunt starts at 2:00 PM and must be back to the FFB Marina by 4:30 PM to tally the paperwork.
Dinner meat of pulled pork sandwiches and tableware will furnished by the club. Everyone please bring a side to share BYOB
Jane will purchase the paper goods and Ceresa is going to purchase the meat and seeing to the preparing of the meat
Kent made a motion to purchase a receipt book for membership dues Randy second and motion carried. Ceresa will pick one up
Next Board meeting is May 24, 2022 at 6:00pm at The Dock,
Meeting adjourned 7:10 PM
Minutes taking by Secretary Ceresa Brown
Fairfield Bay Yacht Club
June 28, 2022
Location: The Dock of the Bay, Land port
Commodore, Randy Baker
Past Commodore, Nancy Mueller
Vice Commodore, Kenton Brown
Fleet Captain, Jane Dean
Media Captain, Gregory Alexander
Secretary/Treasurer, Ceresa Brown
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM. The Treasurer reported the balance was $2,042.27. Gregory presented a bill for the name tag box Randy moved to reimburse for the amount stated of $57.55
The parade for the 4 th of July Celebration is scheduled on Saturday, July 2, 2022 starting at 9:00 AM. Kent and Ceresa will prepare their boat for the parade with Officers in attendance riding in the boat. It was suggested that shirts be considered for uniform appearance. All officers agreed and Ceresa volunteered to talk to Patsy at Greyt Times in the Village Mall and see if she could help with the shirts and have them ready in time for the parade. With Patsy’s help the shirts were prepared and ready. Cost was $22.00 per shirt and to be paid for by each officer. Meet at the Baptist Church parking lot to put final touches on the boat and be ready for the line-up. Randy moved to reimburse Kent and Ceresa for the prizes to be thrown to the crowd, small beach balls and small toy boats. Motion carried.
The next tie up will be Saturday, July 16, 2022 at 2:00 PM. Meet at the FFB Marina at 1:45 with departure at 2:00. BYOB with a Mexican theme adopted as the food option to pass.
Next event is the Barge trip. It has been reserved with a $100.00 deposit for August 13 th 2022 from 5 to 8:00 PM. Discussion about Hotdogs, hamburgers or both be furnished by the Club and side dishes to share by members in attendance. Plans will continue to be finalized
at the next Board meeting.
The next item of discussion was brought up by Gregory in concern for the FBYC Website. Richard Mills is the owner of the site and the cost is $12.00 per year however: with concern of losing the site due to unforeseen circumstances. Gregory has looked into the yearly cost of a
page and it is considerably higher than what we are paying now. It was decided to invite Richard and Mary Mills to an upcoming meeting for further discussion. Motion was tabled for now. Kent made a motion to reimburse Richard for this year’s web page expense and Randy
seconded motion carried.
October 8 , 2022 is the date for the Martini Party at the Dock. The new slate of officers will be presented to the membership for 2023 board. A nominating committee is not needed at this time. Nominations will be taken from the floor at the Christmas Party
The Christmas Party will be held at the Little Red Restaurant on December 9 , 2022 at 5:00 PM
Randy moved to adjourn, all in favor, meeting adjourn 7:15 PM
Minutes taking by Secretary Ceresa Brown
Fairfield Bay Yacht Club
July, 2022
Location: The Dock of the Bay, Land port
Commodore, Randy Baker
Past Commodore, Nancy Mueller
Vice Commodore, Kenton Brown
Fleet Captain, Jane Dean
Media Captain, Gregory Alexander
Secretary/Treasurer, Ceresa Brown
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM and a detailed treasurer report was given.
Randy moved to pay the bill for the Post Office box in the amount of $84.00.
It was decided that the Club would furnish 80 hot dogs and 60 buns for the event.
It was decided that a 50/50 drawing would be held at the upcoming barge event and each person attending would receive one free ticket for the raffle for a chance to win one prize of two prizes, a Gift Certificate from the Marina, a $25.00 Gift Certificate to Mulligans Lounge, and if there was wany hot dogs not cooked the extra packages would be included in the raffle.
It was also decided to take the Barge to snake cove to anchor and those not wanting to ride could meet us there and tie up. It was also decided that any member bringing a guest would pay a $10.00 cover charge for each guest.
August tie up is planned for 8/27/22 at 6:30 to 8:00 PM everyone bringing a dish to share.
September 10, 2022 is the Lake clean-up. Meet at the Marina and have a breakfast dish to share before going out.
September 18 , 2022 is the tie up it’s a Sunday from 4:00 to 7:00PM Bring a dish to share.
October 8 , 2022 is the date for the Martini Party at the Marina.
The new slate of officers will be presented to the membership for 2023 board. A nominating committee is not needed at this time. Nominations will be taken from the floor at the December Meeting held at the Christmas party.
The Christmas Party will be held at the Little Red Restaurant on December 9 , 2022 at 5:00 PM
Randy moved to adjourn, all in favor, meeting adjourn 7:15 PM
Minutes taking by Secretary Ceresa Brown
Fairfield Bay Yacht Club
August 30, 2022
Location: Dock of the Bay, Land Port
Commodore, Randy Baker
Past Commodore, Nancy Mueller
Vice Commodore, Kenton Brown
Fleet Captain, Jane Dean
Media Captain, Gregory Alexander
Secretary/Treasurer, Ceresa Brown
The meeting was called to order at 6:08 PM by Commodore Randy. Treasurer report was given. 1686.68
Barge event was discussed and we were a little long on food (hot dogs buns and condiments, so we included 3 pkgs. Buns and dogs in raffle.) Moved to keep the condiments that were left over for next year if dates were good.
Randy moved to raise the left over $ from 500.00 to 700.00 for next year. No 2nd was offered so it will be tabled till December meeting.
The Martini party was discussed and it was decided Cosmo’s, Reg. martinis, dirty martinis Lemon martinis and apple tinies would be served. Budget limit would be $300.00 for supplies and $100.00 for the bartender.
Supplies needed will be 1 bottle Gin, 23 bottles Vodka Vermouth 1 bottle.
Motion was made by Nancy to reduce the membership fee to ½ price effective September 1st of each year. Motion carried 6/0. Make a check out for refund to 2 new members Deb and Sheila. to Sheila’s address
Lake Fall Clean-up is scheduled for September 10 th Meet at the marina at 8:30 leave at (;00 am Bring a breakfast brunch dish to share after the clean up. The Yacht Club will supply the fixings for bloody Mary’s and screwdrivers.
September tie up is scheduled for September 18 th from 4 to 7 PM
Randy moved to adjourn, all in favor, meeting adjourn 7:03 PM
Minutes taking by Secretary Ceresa Brown
Fairfield Bay Yacht Club
September 13, 2022
Location: Dock of the Bay, Land Port
Commodore, Randy Baker
Past Commodore, Nancy Mueller
Vice Commodore, Kenton Brown
Fleet Captain, Jane Dean
Secretary/Treasurer, Ceresa Brown
Media Captain, Gregory Alexander
The meeting was called to order at 6:03 PM by Commodore Randy.
All Officers were on Deck except Media Captain Gregory.
Treasurer report;
Balance last month: $1686.68
Expenses; Sheila and Deb, ½ Membership refund $20.00
Kenton Brown Lake Clean Up drink supplies $52.41
Jane Dean, Lake Clean up supplies $14.00
Deposits; Shirt purchase, Jane Dean $22.00
New Members, $120.00
1 guest for Barge Event, $10.00
Raffle Ticket sales $15.00
Burgee Flag, Gregory Alexander $31.00
Shirt purchase, Gregory Alexander $22.00
Current Balance $1820.27
Expenses submitted and approved for payment.
Budget projection for remaining events discussed and if we would have the required funds to carry over for next year.
Club Burgees discussed and question of how many remain to sell and agreed to mention in News Letter that Burgees are available to be purchased for $31.00
Motion by Commodore Randy to make donation to Shirley School Food program in the amount of $250.00, seconded by Past Commodore Nancy. Motion carried 5/0
Next Event, Lake Clean up, Meet at Marina, 9:15 leave 9:30. Marina on Fall Hours and not open till 9:00.
Tie-Up set Sept 18th from 4:00-7:00 BYOB and a Dish to pass.
Martini Party changed from Oct. 8 th to Oct. 22 nd and will be from 5:00 to 8:00.
Randy and Jane to obtain supplies. Budget for Event $350.00
November Event; November 8, 2022, FALL COLORS/MOONLIGHT CRUISE. 4;00-
6:00 p.m. Nancy to prepare Chili. Everyone brings a dish of choice. Chicken from Cravens and everyone to bring dish to pass and BYOB. BUDGET $100.00.
Dec. 9 th Christmas Party, Nancy communicating with Little Red on Menu and Cost.
Room is booked 5:30-6:00, Happy Hour with Dinner at 6:00. Cake to be ordered for dessert from Sams’ Club.
Minutes taking by Secretary Ceresa Brown
Fairfield Bay Yacht Club
October 24, 2022
Location: Mulligans Lounge
Commodore, Randy Baker
Vice Commodore, Kenton Brown
Fleet Captain, Jane Dean
Media Captain, Gregory Alexander
Treasurer, Ceresa Brown
Past Commodore/Secretary, Nancy Mueller
Treasurer's Report
Balance is $1642.77 (Complete breakdown attached to minutes)
Motion to approve by Randy Baker and Seconded by Nancy Mueller
Two new members from the Martini Party
Have 7 Burgees flags for sale ($31)
Approved printer ink expense of $18.95 to Gregory Alexander
Shirley Schools $250 – Nancy will check during the holiday for their needs.
Two pizzas will be purchased for the Fairfield Bay Marina employees to thank them for their support.
Nominations were accepted and approved by a vote at Martini Party for next year, same board. All members (50) in attendance voted for the same board.
Randy Baker, Commodore
Nancy Mueller, Past Commodore and Secretary Position
Fleet Captain, Jane Dean
Media Captain, Gregory Alexander
Kenton Brown, Vice Commodore
Ceresa Brown, Treasurer
Installation will be at Christmas Party (Will not need flags this year)
Saturday, October 22, 2022 Martini Party
Total cost was $100 to bartender
$200 to Jane for liquor and items used in drinks
Barge and dock worked well.
50/50 brought in $55
For next year: Introduce new members and guests
Have a table for 50/50
Have a table for door prizes
Monday, November 7 , 2022 Fall Colors/moonlight cruise
Time: 3-6 pm
Rain or shine (If we can’t go out on lake, we will have chili at the Marina at 4)
Chili, fritos, onions, cheese, crackers – Nancy will make chili for 40 and purchase bowls.
Nancy will look into cinnamon buns from a store in the mall. Members can bring cornbread, appetizer/dessert if they want. We will have cold drinks available but BYOB. We will leave the dock at 3 and cruise for an hour and come back to Marina dock to eat.
Friday, December 9, 2022 Christmas Party Little Red
Booked the room
$180.00 already collected towards dinner
Entertainment – Randy will ask Sean Sikes and Nancy will ask Greg and Kay
Decorations – Meet at Club at 1 to decorate (all board members)
Cake: Jane will ask Richard Mills if he would order “flag’ cake.
Time: 5-6 pm Happy Hour, 6 pm dinner
Installation of officers – Don’t have to order flags. Bring all of them for display in front.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10
Minutes taking by Past Commodore/Secretary Nancy Mueller