Year 2023
Fairfield Bay Yacht Club
January 11, 2023
Location: Land port, The Dock of the Bay
Commodore: Randy Baker
Vice Commodore: Kenton Brown
Secretary: Nancy Mueller
Treasurer: Ceresa Brown
Fleet Captain: Jane Dean
Media Captain: Gregory Alexander
Guest: Dan Feuer
Dan Feuer: Requested the FBYC to organize the Fairfield Bay Community Club Luau. The Community Club would take care of food, band, and fire performers. We would organize and sell tickets. We will share with Randy Baker and give you a final answer. We selected Labor Day weekend, Friday September 1. Cool Pool will have an event during that weekend; but felt it would be a good time and not so hot.
Treasurers Report: $1,240.18
Dues will continue to be $20. Martini Party in October will be the start of half-price membership.
Gregory showed us the new Membership Form and flyer info. He will be ready for all advertising using website and facebook.
Gregory reported plenty of name tags for the new year.
Supplies for Next Year – Kenton will go down to Marina and purchase supplies needed for this year.
Need to look at another barge event. Could it be instead of a tie-up on a Saturday? Kenton brought up renting the Belle for a May tie-up. Nancy mentioned that she had contacted the Marina for another event; told no insurance on the Belle and they are not using anymore. Kenton will check and get back with us.
Saturday, March 25, 2023 Membership Drive - FFB Marina 3-6 pm Projected cost $350. Club furnishes appetizers, sandwiches, beer, wine, and cold drinks
April, 2023 1-6 pm? Blessing of the Fleet combined with Boati Gras; no date at this time. $00 No cost; want members to support food trucks and concession stand at Marina. Tie-up after in the Marina area. BYOB. Bob Hadley has free membership. Will ask Bob Hadley to Bless the Fleet. Encourage members to participate in the Boati Gras competition.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 5-7 pm Tie-up Meet at Marina. Bring a dish to pass and BYOB.
Saturday, May 20, 2023, 1-4 Scavenger Hunt $150 4-5 pm dinner at Marina. Club will provide meat. Prizes $60 and/or gift certificates from Marina. Everyone dish to pass and BYOB.
Saturday, June 3, 2023 Tie-up May be barge or Belle? $350 Hot dogs provided by Club. Bring a dish to pass and BYOB.
Saturday, June 17, 2023, 2-5 $125?
Poker Run: Will decide where money goes for donation, 1/2 to winner. Where to put five pickup points. Cards needed, Cost $10 for anyone. Meet at dock for dinner and bring a dish to pass and BYOB.
July 4, 2023 $50
Enter float in parade. Would like to see members join in walking/riding ATVs with the float.
July Tie-up Date TBD
August 2023 $350 Date TBD
Barge Event
August tie-up Date TBD
Friday, September 1, 2023 Sponsor Luau
Sell tickets, games, etc.
Saturday, September 9, 2023 $100
Lake clean-up, Bloody Mary’s furnished Bring brunch item to pass
October 2023 $300 Date TBD
Martini Party at dock. Bring an appetizer to pass. Nominating committee
October Tie-up Date TBD
November $100
Fall colors/moon light cruise Set date close to full moon. Club will provide
Chili Dish to Pass and BYOB
December 8, 2023 $100
Christmas Party, We need to find place. Little Red, Bayside, Lion's Club, cater, and band? Installation of new board.
Fairfield Bay Yacht Club
February 22, 2023
Location: Land port, The Dock of the Bay
Commodore: Randy Baker
Vice Commodore: Kenton Brown
Secretary: Nancy Mueller
Treasurer: Ceresa Brown
Fleet Captain: Jane Dean
Media Captain: Gregory Alexander
Treasurers Report: Ceresa reported $1,195.82 in checking account
Gregory – Added radio for advertising.
Supplies for Next Year – Ceresa reported what was needed in supplies. Will buy before first event.
Saturday, March 25, 2023 1-4 pm Membership Drive: Beer {Bud Lite, Miller Lite and Michelob (18 of each ), chardonnay, merlot and zinfandel wine, sandwiches, fruit tray and vegetable tray. Nancy will buy beer and wine. Ceresa food.
Saturday, April 29, 2023 Blessing of the Fleet and FFB Boati Gras. Starts at noon. Band starts at 1 pm, parade at 2 Bob Hadley has been notified and will be there at 2. Free membership for him. It was decided to Support food at Marina/bring BYOB. Encourage members to participate in the competition. We plan on helping Liz with this event.
Wednesday May 10, 2023 First Tie-up 4:45 – 7 pm Bring a dish or appetizer to pass BYOB
Saturday, May 20 , 2023, 1-4 pm Scavenger Hunt 4-5 pm dinner at Marina. Paperwork for this event? Prizes $60?, gift certificates from Marina? Everyone dish to pass and BYOB. We provide meat Cost
Saturday, June 3, 2023 tie-up 2-5 pm Club will provide hot dog. Will reserve Barge. Down payment to reserve. $350?
Saturday, June 17, 2-5 pm Poker Run Five pickup areas for your cards. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Cost is $10 per person. Bring a dish/appetizer BYOB. Need to relook at this – Surf the Bay same day.
July 4, 2023 $50 Enter float in parade. Busy time so no event on lake. Or do we want an event????
July Tie-up No date set yet
August, 2023 $350? Barge Event Add an hour?
August tie-up TBD
Friday, Sep 1, 2023 Luau, Time? Sell tickets, help serve, games, other responsibilities?
September 9, 2023 $00 Lake clean-up, Brunch item Bloody Mary’s
October 14 Annular Solar Eclipse 10-1 Brunch item BYOB
October 28, full moon, 2023 $300 Martini Party at dock. Bring an appetizer to pass. Nominating committee
November $100 Fall colors/moon light cruise Set date close to full moon. Provide Chili Dish to Pass and BYOB
December ?, 2023 $100 Christmas Party, We need to find place and set date. Little Red, Bayside, Lion's Club, cater, and band? Installation of new board.
All events when finalized need to be posted on the FFB Calendar through Fairfield Bay Chamber of Commerce.
Nancy, Secretary
Fairfield Bay Yacht Club
March 21, 2023
Location: Land port, The Dock of the Bay
Commodore: Randy Baker
Vice Commodore: Kenton Brown
Secretary: Nancy Mueller
Treasurer: Ceresa Brown
Fleet Captain: Jane Dean (Absent)
Media Captain: Gregory Alexander
Guests: Mike and Gina LaFarlett
Treasurer's Report
Balance is still $1195.82
Bill for $34.37 to Gregory for Membership Stock- Motion passed to pay
Treasurer’s Report approved
Have 6 Burgees flags for sale ($31) Horner’s bought one so should have 5 left. Bring to Membership Drive
Saturday, March 25, 2023 1-4 pm Membership Drive
Nancy and Randy will purchase 18 Coors Lite, Bud Lite, Miller Lite and Michelob Amber Bach. Wine 1 of each chardonnay, merlot and zinfandel. Coke, diet coke, sprite, and water will be purchased. Meet at Cravens at 11:30. Ceresa has ordered trays of food from Cravens. Meet at 12:00 to set-up. Need cost after event.
Saturday, April 29, 2023 Blessing of the Fleet and FFB Boati Gras. Starts at noon. Band starts at 1 pm, parade at 2. Bob Hadley has been notified and will be there at 2. Free membership for him. Support food truck and Marina food stand. BYOB. Encourage members to participate in the competition. We will help Marina/Liz do decorations, registrations, and give out beads. I will ask Sheila Brown if she would like to MC. Share that with Liz and Randy.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 First tie-up 4:45 – 7 pm. Bring a dish or appetizer to pass and BYOB.
Saturday, May 20, 2023 1-4 pm. Scavenger Hunt 4-5 dinner at Marina. Prizes $60, gift certificates from Marina. Everyone bring dish to pass and BYOB. We will provide meat.
Saturday June 3, 2023 Barge from 2-5. Club will provide hot dogs. Ceresa will reserve Barge. Members bring dish to pass.
Saturday June 17, 3023 2-5 pm Poker Run. Five pickup areas for your cards. Open to the public. Cost is $10 per person. Bring a dish/appetizer to pass and BYOB.
July 4, 2023 $50. Enter float in parade. $50 for decorations. Invite members to walk/ride in golf carts, ATVs, etc.
Saturday, July 15, 2023 tie-up. Details will be worked
Saturday, August 19, 2023 Second Barge Event; add an hour Cost $400
No tie=up for August - Get ready for Luau
Friday, Sep 1, 2023 Luau; will help the Community Club with this event. Sell tickets, help serve, games. Band and food paid by club.
Saturday, September 9, 2023 Lake Clean-up. Members bring Brunch item and Bloody Mary’s. Cost?
Saturday, October 14, 2023 Annular Solar Eclipse tie-up 10-1 Brunch item and BYOB
October 28, 2023 Full moon Martini Party at dock. Bring an appetizer to pass. Club provides martinis and bartender. Nominating committee for next years officers. Cost $300 This is where we go half prize for membership.
Monday, November 7, 2023 Fall Colors. Club provides Chili. Cost $100
Time: 3-6 pm Rain or shine (If we can’t go out on lake, we will have chili at the Marina at 4)
Chili, fritos, onions, cheese, crackers – Nancy will make chili for 40 and purchase bowls.
Members can bring corn bread, appetizer/dessert if they want. BYOB. We will leave the dock at 3 and cruise for an hour and come back to Marina dock to eat.
Friday, December 8, 2023 Motion was made to have Christmas Party at Little Red. Nancy will reserve.
Entertainment – What do we want to do?
Decorations – Meet at Club at 1 to decorate (all board members)
Cake: Flag cake
Time: 5-6 pm Happy Hour, 6 pm dinner
Installation of officers – Flags will need to be ordered for new officers if needed.. Bring all of them for display in front.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30
Nancy Mueller
Fairfield Bay Yacht Club
April 19, 2023 @ 4:30p
Location: Little Red
Treasurer's Report
Balance previously $1195.82
Current amount $2291.90
Approved Treasurer’s Report
Approved Minutes from March 21, 2023
Have 6 Burgees flags for sale ($31) Horners gets one. Five left. Bring to Boati Gras.
Membership Drive results 80 Members
Send out message to all members and non-members with membership form attached before Boati Grqs
Beer and Wine: $186.56
Cravens Trays $374.34
Supplies for Startup $108.13
T-Shirts: Letter needs to be updated with adding Pay at Boati Gras. Gregory will send out by e-mail to all members/previous members.
Saturday, April 29, 2023 1-5 – Blessing of the Fleet with Boati Gras
We will be able to have barge. That is where we all meet. We also can tie-up along walkway anywhere.
Ceresa will collect money and forms. Message will be sent out for membership to join and bring that day.
Responsibilities: Hand out beads. Nancy will be at table with numbers for decorated boats. Other members walk around and give info to get numbers for judging. Meet at 9-10 for barge set-up and decorations. Be back at 12:45. Band will play a bit at 1, Liz will MC. Everyone meet at break water for parade at 2pm. Judging will be done by the band. Jorn will announce winners. Band will play from 3-5.
Randy and Jane:
First week of May Meeting. Need to meet with DyWyn about Luau. Also scavenger hunt and tie-up.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 First Tie-up 4:45 – 7 pm Bring a dish to pass and BYOB Mueller and Brown’s gone. Randy and Jane are in charge to send message out, etc. where to meet.
Saturday, May 20, 2023 1-4 Scavenger Hunt 4-5 dinner. Prizes $60 gift certificates from Marina. Everyone bring dish to pass and BYOB. We will provide meat. Mueller will be gone.
Saturday, June 3, 2023, Barge Event 2-5. Club will provide hot dogs. Ceresa needs to reserve. Members bringing dish to pass
Saturday, June 17, 2023 Poker Run 2-5 pm. Five pickup areas for your cards. Open to the Public. Cost is $10 per person. Bring a dish/appetizer to pass and BYOB
Saturday, July 4, 2023 $50 Enter float in parade. Invite members to walk/ride in golf carts, ATVs, etc.
Saturday, July 15, 2023 Tie-up Details will be worked
Saturday, August 19, 2023 Second Barge Event: hours? Cost $400?
No time-up for August – Get ready for Luau
Friday, Sept 1, 2023 Luau; will help the Community Club with this event. Sell tickets, help serve, games. Band and food paid by Community Club.
Saturday, September 9, 2023; Lake clean-up. Members bring brunch item and Bloody Mary’s from Club
Saturday, October 14, 2023 Annular Solar Eclipse 10-1 Brunch item and BYOB
Saturday, October 28, 2023 Martini Party and Nominating Committee
Total cost was $100 to bartender
$200 to Jane for liquor and items used in drinks
Barge and dock worked well. Members bring dish to pass
½ price for membership
Introduce new members and guests
Have a table for 50/50
Door prizes?
Monday, November 7 , 2023 Fall Colors/moon light cruise
Time: 3-6 pm
Rain or shine (If we can’t go out on lake, we will have chili at the Marina at 4)
Chili, Fritos, onions, cheese, crackers – Nancy will make chili for 40 and purchase bowls.
Members can bring corn bread, appetizer/dessert if they want. BYOB. We will leave the dock at 3 and cruise for an hour and come back to Marina dock to eat.
Friday, December 8, 2023 Christmas Party Little Red
Booked the room
Decorations – Meet at Club at 1 to decorate (all board members)
Cake: flag cake
Time: 5-6 pm Happy Hour, 6 pm dinner
Installation of officers – Need flags/pins. Bring all of them for display in front.
Nancy Mueller
Fairfield Bay Yacht Club
May 23, 2023
Location: Land port, The Dock of the Bay
Treasurer's Report $2814.70
Worked on Budget (Nancy will put something together)
Approved Treasurer’s Report
Approved Minutes
Have 3 Burgees flags for sale ($31) Horner’s has paid but not received one.
Membership Total 102
T-Shirt Sales - Will send out info $18
Saturday, May 20, 2023 1-4 Scavenger Hunt 4-5 dinner. Prizes were two pizzas and two shirts and hats.
Cost of Meat and buns $116 50/50 Brought in
Saturday, June 3, 2023, Barge Event 2-5. Club will provide hot dogs, buns, condiments. Barge reserved.
Members bringing dish to pass Cost $100 50/50 will be done
Saturday, June 24, 2023 Poker Run 2-5 pm. Five pickup areas for your cards. Open to the Public. Cost is $10 per person.
Bring a dish/appetizer to pass and BYOB
Saturday, July 4, 2023 $50 Enter float in parade. Invite members to walk/ride in golf carts, ATVs, etc.
Saturday, July 15, 2023 Tie-up Details will be worked
Saturday, August 19, 2023 Second Barge Event: hours 3-6pm Cost $400
Decided on Mexican Theme
Margaretta’s will be provided by Club.
No time-up for August – Get ready for Luau
Friday, Sept 1, 2023 Luau; will help the Community Club with this event. Sell tickets, help serve, games.
Band and food paid by Community Club.
Saturday, September 9, 2023; Lake clean-up. Members bring brunch item and Bloody Mary’s from Club
Saturday, October 14, 2023 Annular Solar Eclipse 10-1 Brunch item and BYOB
Saturday, October 28, 2023 Martini Party and Nominating Committee
Total cost was $100 to bartender & $200 to Jane for liquor and items used in drinks.
Barge and dock worked well. Members bring dish to pass
½ price for membership
Introduce new members and guests
Have a table for 50/50
Door prizes?
Monday, November 7 , 2023 Fall Colors/moon light cruise Time: 3-6 pm
Rain or shine (If we can’t go out on lake, we will have chili at the Marina at 4)
Chili, Fritos, onions, cheese, crackers – Nancy will make chili for 40 and purchase bowls.
Members can bring corn bread, appetizer/dessert if they want. BYOB.
We will leave the dock at 3 and cruise for an hour and come back to Marina dock to eat.
Friday, December 8, 2023 Christmas Party Little Red
Booked the room
Decorations – Meet at Club at 1 to decorate (all board members)
Cake: flag cake
Time: 5-6 pm Happy Hour, 6 pm dinner
Installation of officers – Need flags/pins. Bring all of them for display in front.
Nancy Mueller
No minutes has been recorded for June
Fairfield Bay Yacht Club
July 11, 2023
Location: Lake port, The Marina
Commodore: Randy Baker
Vice Commodore: Kenton Brown
Secretary: Nancy Mueller
Treasurer: Ceresa Brown
Fleet Captain: Jane Dean (Absent)
Media Captain: Gregory Alexander
Treasurers – Checkbook balance: $1,992.32
No Minutes from last meeting.
Have 3 Burgess Flags left
Membership Total 109
T-Shirt Sales – Update – Not ordered yet
Saturday, June 24, 2023 Poker Run 3-6 pm. $460 took in, $55 in 50/50, $175 in prize money
Saturday, July 1, 2023 $50 Won 2nd place in float competition $15
Saturday, July 15, 2023 Tie-up, 3:45 and leave at 4 pm. Bring a dish and BYOB
Saturday, August 19, 2023 Second Barge Event: 3-6 pm, If rain, Aug 20, 2023 Cost $400?
No tie-up for August – Get ready for Luau
Friday, Sept 1, 2023 Luau; will help the Community Club with this event. Sell tickets, help serve, games.
Band and food paid by Community Club. Luau Discussion and concerns: Decoration,
food, event itinerary, entertainment. Randy is going to arrange a meeting with Community Club.
Saturday, September 9, 2023, 9am; Lake clean-up. Members bring brunch item and Bloody Mary’s from Club
Saturday, October 14, 2023 Annular Solar Eclipse 10-1 Brunch item and BYOB
Saturday, October 28, 2023, 6pm, Martini Party and Nominating Committee
Total cost was $100 to bartender & $200 to Jane for liquor and items used in drinks.
Barge and dock worked well. Members bring dish to pass
½ price for membership
Introduce new members and guests
Door prizes?
Monday, November 7 , 2023 Fall Colors/moon light cruise Time: 3-6 pm
Rain or shine (If we can’t go out on lake, we will have chili at the Marina at 4)
Chili, Fritos, onions, cheese, crackers – Nancy will make chili for 40 and purchase bowls.
Members can bring corn bread, appetizer/dessert if they want. BYOB.
We will leave the dock at 3 and cruise for an hour and come back to Marina dock to eat.
Friday, December 8, 2023 Christmas Party Little Red
Booked the room
Decorations – Meet at Club at 1 to decorate (all board members)
Cake: flag cake
Time: 5-6 pm Happy Hour, 6 pm dinner
Installation of officers – Gregory ordered and received the Officers flags/pins. Bring all of them for display in front.
Nancy Mueller
Fairfield Bay Yacht Club
August 22, 2023
Location: Mueller Home
Commodore: Randy Baker
Vice Commodore: Kenton Brown
Secretary: Nancy Mueller
Treasurer: Ceresa Brown
Fleet Captain: Jane Dean (Absent)
Media Captain: Gregory Alexander
Treasurer's Report Bal $1973.55 Barge not paid for at this time
Approve Treasurer’s Report - Approved
Budget – Sent up to date info to members
Approved Minutes
Have 3 Burgess Flags left
Membership Total 116
T-Shirt Sales – Update – Ceresa needs to order shirts and deposit checks
Saturday, August 19, 2023 Second Barge Event Cost: 6-9 Cost $400? 50/50 $270 Margarita Cost $158
No tie-up for August – Get ready for Luau
Friday, Sept 1, 2023 Luau; will help the Community Club with this event. Tickets on sale at Marina only.
help serve, games. Band and food paid by Community Club. Sheila Brown will MC games,
Decorations day before or day of? Nancy will check on ticket issue; not getting any.
Rosie Owens, Liz and Joe, and board will work decorations. Randy: Will they need servers? Check.
Saturday, September 9, 2023; Lake clean-up. Members bring brunch item and Bloody Mary’s from Club
Saturday, October 14, 2023 Annular Solar Eclipse 10-1 Brunch item and BYOB
Saturday, October 28, 2023 Martini Party and Nominating Committee
Total cost was $100 to bartender
$200 to Jane for liquor and items used in drinks
Barge and dock worked well. Members bring dish to pass
½ price for membership starting Sept 1st.
Introduce new members and guests
Door prizes will be certificates that were donated
Monday, November 7 , 2023 Fall Colors/moon light cruise
Time: 3-6 pm
Rain or shine (If we can’t go out on lake, we will have chili at the Marina at 4)
Chili, Fritos, onions, cheese, crackers – Nancy will make chili for 40 and purchase bowls.
Members can bring corn bread, appetizer/dessert if they want. BYOB.
We will leave the dock at 3 and cruise for an hour and come back to Marina dock to eat.
Friday, December 8, 2023 Christmas Party Little Red
Booked the room
Decorations – Meet at Club at 1 to decorate (all board members)
Cake: flag cake
Time: 5-6 pm Happy Hour, 6 pm dinner
Installation of officers – Should have flags/pins. Bring all of them for display in front.
Nancy Mueller
Fairfield Bay Yacht Club
September 12, 2023
Location: Land Port, The Dock of the Bay
Commodore: Randy Baker, (Absent)
Vice Commodore: Kenton Brown
Secretary: Nancy Mueller
Treasurer: Ceresa Brown
Fleet Captain: Jane Dean (Absent)
Media Captain: Gregory Alexander
Treasurer's Report Balance: $1736.77
Approved Treasurer’s Report
Budget for rest of year:
Expenses: Martini Party $100 bartender and $200 Booze
Fall Cruise: $100 Chili
Christmas $100 Cake
Charity $200
Total $700
Balance Forward 2024 $1036.77
Approved Previous Minutes
Have 3 Burgess Flags left
Membership Total 116
T-Shirt Sales – 4 Shirts will be ordered
Saturday, August 19, 2023 Second Barge Event: 6-9 $634.60 Total Cost
Friday, Sept 1, 2023 Luau; Will not support if Luau at Cool Pool
Saturday, September 9, 2023; Lake clean-up. Bloody Mary’s Cost $113.18 Membership ½ price after Sep 1.
Saturday, October 14, 2023 Annular Solar Eclipse 10-1 Brunch item and BYOB. Gregory will advertise and article in the paper.
Saturday, October 28, 2023, 5- 8pm Martini Party and Nominating Committee
Total cost was $100 to bartender
$200 to Jane for liquor and items used in drinks (Jane purchase in WI)
Barge and dock worked well. Members bring dish to pass
½ price for membership since September 1, 2023
Introduce new members and guests
Have door prizes
Monday, November 7 , 2023 Fall Colors/moon light cruise Time: 3-6 pm
Rain or shine (If we can’t go out on lake, we will have chili at the Marina at 4)
Chili, Fritos, onions, cheese, crackers – Nancy will make chili for 40 and purchase bowls.
Members can bring corn bread, appetizer/dessert if they want. BYOB.
We will leave the dock at 3 and cruise for an hour and come back to Marina dock to eat.
Friday, December 8, 2023 Christmas Party Little Red
Booked the room
Decorations – Meet at Club at 1 to decorate (all board members)
Cake: flag cake
Time: 5-6 pm Happy Hour, 6 pm dinner
Installation of officers – Need flags/pins. Bring all of them for display in front.
Nancy will check menu, sit down and buffet. Report at next meeting.
Nancy Mueller
Fairfield Bay Yacht Club
October 18, 2023
Location: Land Port, The Dock of the Bay
Commodore: Randy Baker
Vice Commodore: Kenton Brown
Secretary: Nancy Mueller (Absent)
Treasurer: Ceresa Brown
Fleet Captain: Jane Dean
Media Captain: Gregory Alexander
It was decided to make Martini Party on the 28th to be an optional Halloween Costume Party with prizes for best costume. Some decorations were donated by Richard and Mary Mills.
Alicia Gayle has agreed to be the Bartender for the Martini party for tips only with her pay being donated to charity of Clubs Choice
Nominations for 2024 Officer;
Vice Commodore: Trip Jones
Secretary: Joyce Harrison
Fleet Captain: William Peterson
Christmas dinner plans; Gregory checked with the club and they have 21 white table cloths. Discussion continued about purchasing table runners and /or napkins, and was tabled for later. Two phone attempts and one in person attempt have been made to make plans with Cody on the menu, nothing more to report at this time.
It was decided to purchase a fitted table cloth for the head table with Club Name and Logo.
Meeting adjourned.
Fairfield Bay Yacht Club
October 31, 2023
Location: Land Port, The Dock of the Bay
Commodore: Randy Baker
Vice Commodore: Kenton Brown
Secretary: Nancy Mueller
Treasurer: Ceresa Brown
Fleet Captain: Jane Dean
Media Captain: Gregory Alexander
Treasurer's Report Bal: $1569.25
Need to deposit $127.50 from 50/50
Approved Treasurer’s Report
Budget: Expenses Coming up
$72 Tee Shirts
$100 for VFW Cost
$75 Yacht Club Cake
$250 for Donation to Shirley Schools
Should have $1000 to carry over to avoid bank charge.
Need to check with bank if we can be exempt from this.
Approve Minutes:
Have 3 Burgess Flags left
Membership Total: 116
T-Shirt Sales – Pick up this week. Nancy will distribute
Saturday, October 28, 2023 Martini Party and Nominating Committee
Nominations for 2024 Officers:
Commodore: Kenton Brown
Vice Commodore: Tripp Jones
Secretary: Joyce Harrison
Treasurer: Ceresa Brown
Fleet Commander: William Peterson
Media Captain: Gregory Alexander
Past Commodore: Randy Baker
VFW cost and Martini Cost
$218 for booze, $100 for VFW rental
Saved on bartender…..Mary and Jane did a great job.
Monday, November 6 , 2023 Fall Colors cruise
Time: 3-6 pm
Rain or shine (If we can’t go out on lake, we will have chili at the Marina at 4)
Chili, Fritos, onions, cheese, crackers – Decision was made for officers to provide chili.
Members can bring corn bread, appetizer/dessert if they want. BYOB. We will leave the dock at 3 and cruise for an hour and come back to Marina dock to eat.
Gregory will stay back with chili.
Friday, December 8, 2023 Christmas Party @ Little Red
Booked the room
Menu choices tentative: Blackened Mahi, Chicken Marsala, Brisket or meat loaf
Entertainment: Not sure on this
Decorations – Meet at Little Red at 3 to decorate (all Officers) Expect Club to setup room
Cake: Gregory will pick up cake in Conway $75
Time: 5-6 pm Happy Hour, 6 pm dinner
Installation of officers – Need flags/pins. Bring all of them for display in front.
Nancy Mueller